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My Baby Sleeps Like Crap! But, Didn’t Use To…

Writer's picture: Kayla RamosKayla Ramos

Updated: Aug 1, 2022

Schools out, and you're about to have the kiddos at home more than you used to, and now have less time to spend with your baby, getting them to sleep. Don't stress, I'm here to help!

Why does your baby not sleep amazing anymore? Well, your baby’s sleep has changed!

Have you been wondering why your little bundle of joy used to sleep and now doesn’t?

This can be SO frustrating for parents especially if you’ve been bragging for months about your amazing sleeper and now the bags under your eyes are proof that something has changed, BIG TIME!

I bet you want to know why? I’ll tell ya!

A Change In Sleep Cycles

We all sleep in stages. Stage 1 - Light sleep, stage 2 - deeper sleep, stage 3 - deep sleep, and stage 4 - REM (or dream sleep). We cycle through these stages of sleep every 90 - 120 minutes all night long.

When a baby is born, they only have two parts to their sleep cycle. Stage 3 - deep sleep and stage 4 - REM sleep. They spend about 50% of their cycle in each stage.

For many babies, this means that the first few months of their lives are spent blissfully sleeping. Falling asleep easily, sleeping long stretches in the night, and napping well.

Sorry if your baby isn’t like this and you have to listen to all of your friends brag about how well their newborn is sleeping! Because some babies are just born TERRIBLE sleepers from the beginning and that’s for another blog…

The Dreaded 4 Month Sleep Regression

Between 3 - 4 months, sleep reorganizes for a baby. They go from having two parts to their sleep cycle to four. So a better term for “The Dreaded 4 Month Sleep Regression” is “The 4 Month Sleep PROGRESSION”.

This is the time when parents freak out, wonder why their baby isn’t sleeping well, and then start doing EVERYTHING humanly possible to “help” their baby to sleep.

Not so fast!

Your baby is going to have all four parts to their sleep cycle for the rest of their lives so it’s a great time to learn how to sleep with them.

How To Help Your Baby Sleep, Again

That’s just it! You aren’t going to “help” your baby sleep better. Your baby needs to learn how to “help” themselves to sleep. How to do the entire journey from awake to asleep on their own, just like you do every single night.

You’ve probably noticed that all of the rocking, feeding, bouncing, and pleading for your baby to sleep has gotten you nowhere but exhausted and frustrated. Baby continues to be a crap sleeper.

This is when parents tell me that they just KNOW their baby is a bad sleeper and there’s nothing that can be done about it.


Every single baby can learn the skill of sleep! That’s the truth and yes it’s a skill.

Teach them!

A Customized Sleep Plan! Yes, Please!

It’s up to you as the parent to figure out a clear, consistent plan either on your own or with professional help - like from us!

There’s not just one way to teach your baby to sleep but there is a way that will work wonders for your baby.

As a sleep coach for infants and children, that’s what I do. I get to know you and your child. Then, I create a customized plan that’s just right for your baby’s temperament and your parenting style.

That’s why, with my clear, consistent sleep plans, I see success in a few short days!

Who’s ready for some healthy sleep?

You can book your complimentary sleep evaluation right here. Tell us more about your child’s specific sleep struggles and we’ll share exactly how we can help.

Here’s to well-rested family,


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